We help other companies in the Corona Crisis

Many companies got into difficulties or financial challenging situations during and/or through the Corona crisis. The government and even local authorities offer help, for example by providing guarantees for loans. However, not all companies - especially small and medium-sized technology companies and start-ups - can benefit from this, because the conditions are, for ex
ample, that the company did not already have financial difficulties before the Corona crisis. This implies that only previously prospering companies can count on support, i.e. those that already had better access to capital and correspondingly better growth opportunities.
Small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups, research-based companies are already finding it difficult to gain access to the capital market before the crisis due to a lack of equity capital or sufficient assets; these companies are again at a disadvantage.
We help those who have patents, patent applications and/or utility models to evaluate intangible assets quickly and cost-effectively so that they can be contributed, for example, as collateral or presentable company assets. We waive all margins at this time and offer our services at cost price until the end of May. To assess in advance whether this is worthwhile from the perspective of the patent holder, we provide a free preview of the expected value corridor.
Please contact us!
Contact person:
Dr. Dierk-Oliver Kiehne
Prof. Andreas Zagos